Tyson Opens Up to Sugar Ray Leonard

Check out this clip of Mike Tyson and Sugar Ray Leonard discussing what propelled them through their careers and how difficult it can be to move through adversity and into the unknown.

Here Tyson takes the opportunity to pay moving tribute to Leonard for how he inspired him from a young age in reformatory school to explode into greatness years later.  No doubt Leonard was a beacon of inspiration for the era and a statesman for better living.


Unitarianism (from Latin unitas “unity, oneness”, from unus “one”) is a Christian theological movement named for its belief that the God in Christianity is one person, as opposed to the Trinity (tri- from Latin tres “three”) which in many other branches of Christianity defines God as three persons in one being: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.[1] Unitarian Christians, therefore, believe that Jesus was inspired by God in his moral teachings, and he is a savior,[2][3] but he was not a deity or God incarnate. Unitarianism does not constitute one single Christian denomination, but rather refers to a collection of both extant and extinct Christian groups, whether historically related to each other or not, which share a common theological concept of the oneness nature of God.



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