Become an Ordained Minister

Officiate Weddings ~ Perform Marriages

As an Ordained Minister of North Shore Universal Church, you can conduct weddings for family, friends, or as a paid, marketable service.  NSUC ordainment grants you complete legal authority to perform marriages across all 50 states.  Ordainment is free and easy.  Your legal authority is immediate.  Sign up today and check out our ordainment bundles that package any materials you need into one easy basket.

Our Three Step Process:


Get ordained as a minister with our church and receive our ordination package.


Review your state’s marriage laws in our database and register where appropriate.


Review our wedding training materials, conduct the wedding, sign the certificate.

Officiation from an ordained minister is part of the immoveable center of any legal wedding. At North Shore Universal Church (NSUC), we have always believed that people should be totally free to ask their friends and family to step in and conduct their marriage ceremony. Marriage couples are often happiest to have someone important to them perform the ceremony. Participation in weddings is a rich and memorable experience for everyone involved.

Church History and Beliefs

NSUC is part of the U.S. network of Unitarian churches, which are derivative from Universalism theological understandings. Our church denominational beliefs draw heavily on Judeo-Christian, Buddhist and Taoist doctrine. The defining theological idea of Universalism is universal salvation. Universalists believe that – to the extent that there is a God – this entity would not “create” people knowing that these people would be destined for eternal damnation.

Unitarian Universalism coalesced in 1961 by a merger between the Universalist Church of America and the American Unitarian Association. While Unitarian Universalism was founded in the United States, affiliated churches have sprung up in many nations. In fact, similar traditions and beliefs existed in many countries prior to the official founding of Unitarian Universalism.

As a faith tradition and community, Unitarian Universalism is somewhat unique. Followers are not united by a single creed, but instead, they are united by a quest for spiritual growth. Members believe that this growth is the end goal, rather than obedience to a religious code. Due to the open nature of Unitarian Universalism, the theology incorporates ideas from many different religions and philosophies. Followers are free to believe whatever they choose spiritually, and so even atheists are accepted into the fold.

Because of the Unitarian Universalism belief in freedom of thought, the theology does not have any one official creed. Instead, the Unitarian Universalist Association suggests Seven Principles, with which most members concur. These guidelines were suggested by a committee and confirmed by congregations worldwide. These Seven Principles are paraphrased as follows.

Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism:

These principles guide followers on their own spiritual search. It is this personal odyssey, rather than any holy text, that Unitarian Universalism holds sacred.

  1. Respect for the value

    and dignity of every individual;

  2. Fairness, empathy, and justness

    in human interaction;

  1. Acceptance of all beliefs

    and encouragement towards personal spiritual growth;

  2. Liberty to conduct

    a personal search for spiritual meaning;

  3. The right to a democratic method

    in each congregation and in the world at large;

  4. Pursuit of a peaceful world,

    with justice and freedom for every human;

  5. Respect the interconnected

    web of the Universe;


an important part of this inclusive Unitarian Universalist faith tradition is to be able to allow everyone to select the most appropriate minister to solemnize their marriage. Accordingly, ordainment as a minister to officiate and perform marriages is open to anyone. Join the NSUC as a minister. Our church leadership and faith community are available to help you every step of the way.

Please take your time as you look through our church website. Under our “Resources” navigational tab please find our FAQ’s, our State Law Library, and various wedding scripts available for anyone’s use. Please also find our “Mission Outreach” tab, which includes materials for emotional and psychological support, stress management, as well as a brief discussion about our humanitarian work with Arbor Assets. Lastly, our “Church Store” tab should have all ordainment materials you’ll need to conduct a legally recognized wedding, including our newly expanded Minister’s Wedding Manual.

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